Wednesday, October 28, 2009

sitting antler moon

Sometimes there are times when you need to sit still. It may not be the most comfortable - but take comfort in knowing the time will pass. Nothing is really static. Everything changes. It has been raining. It has been grey. Too soon, perhaps. I am just being. I am not trying to take alot of action right now, as I don't have any answers.

There is a different energy around the full moon. Perhaps this is why rituals seem more powerful. Vibrational energy. It feels dark & heavy. Yin. Shakthi. From the dark, sparks the light. Shiva. om Shanti Om.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Self realization cannot be taught. It cannot be forced upon by someone else's will. It is not something one learns from books. Spirituality in essence, deals with the relationship with that which is outside of us, while cultivating an awareness within our body and also to the subtleties of our conscious mind. Acknowledgment of the energy body, and the life force (prana) vital energy, anything of a vibration - which is everything. Watching the fluctuations of the mind allows us to appreciate the spaces. It is in moments of stillness we become more aware of the self. Observing the self - and seeing ourselves for how we truly are. Accepting. Non -harming (in thoughts or actions). Letting go of the ego. Proceeding forward with a full heart and clear intention and honoring the self, realization will encourage one to be diligent in seeking their own truth and holding steadfast on their own dharma.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


The leaves have been changing for awhile. Fall is such an obvious change. Things are ending. Its anticipated, and an inevitable shift. A time to take stock, checking in: what layers of myself do I want to shed? How can I prepare myself to be naked for awhile, cold and minimal? Rest. Assured that I will evolve and grow and be more radiant when it is time to blossom. What are the things that I'm doing that are serving my true self? What is no longer serving me? I am ready to let go. To lose my leaves. so. to. speak. A tree with roots, a foundation that I hold, and be steadfast in. I am not wavering in my truth. I am being stripped down to bare my bones. my spirit. Its ok. Strength is present. I am gracious for the nourishment I still receive, although I have no leaves to take in sun. Life slows down. I can enjoy the pace and inquire. Practice of self care. Gratitude for the stamina, to be present through the cold. Light of life is ever present.